
The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Zinoviev, a worldclass humanist: logician, famous writer, prominent researcher-sociologist, political scientist, artist. The author shares his memories of personal meetings with this outstanding personality, who became the personification of the greatness and drama of the Soviet era. A.А. Zinoviev sharply criticized the policy of “denigrating” the history of the Soviet period, he opposed the thoughtless borrowing of Western models of law, economics, culture, which is detrimental to Russia, predicted with pain the inevitability of future trials that would fall to the lot of our Motherland. The highest relevance of the works of A.A. Zinoviev in the context of the current situation is noted, when questions about the place of Russia in the global world, about the supreme duty and the meaning of existence of the Russian people are raised with unprecedented acuteness. Today, not only the ideas of Alexander Zinoviev are gaining relevance, but also the height of his moral example: by his scientific destiny, the humanist has shown that true knowledge should be “involved in being”, and only in this case does the scientist become commensurate with the challenges of the time.

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