
This paper reports the finding of a five-dimensional (5D) new hyperchaotic system with three positive Lyapunov exponents, which is obtained by adding a nonlinear controller to the first equation of a 4D hyperchaotic system. The algebraical form of the hyperchaotic system is very similar to the 5D controlled Lorenz-like systems but they are different and, in fact, nonequivalent in topological structures. Of particular interest is the fact that the hyperchaotic system has a hyperchaotic attractor with three positive Lyapunov exponents under unique equilibrium or three equilibria. To further analyze the new system, the corresponding hyperchaotic and chaotic attractor are firstly numerically verified through investigating phase trajectories, Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation, analysis of power spectrum and Poincaré projections. Moreover, some complex dynamical behaviors such as the stability of hyperbolic or nonhyperbolic equilibrium and two complete mathematical characterizations for 5D Hopf bifurcation are rigorously derived and studied.

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