
The objectives of our study were to evaluate the relative frequency of calcifying cystic odontogenic tumours (CCOTs), dentinogenic ghost cell tumours (DGCTs) and ghost cell odontogenic carcinomas (GCOCs), collectively known as ghost cell odontogenic tumours (GCOTs), in an Iranian population and to classify these lesions according to the 2005 WHO guidelines. Clinical/demographic data were recorded for all COCs referred to our Department from 1966 to 2010. H&E-stained slides were re-evaluated by two observers and all cases were reclassified according to the 2005 WHO guidelines. The male to female ratio of 37 retrieved COCs was 1.6 with most cases occurring intraosseously and in the second decade of life. Involvement of the mandible was significantly higher than the maxilla (P = 0.033). Histopathologically, most lesions demonstrated a cystic morphology and there were no GCOCs among our cases. Eight cases were followed for 4–20 years and 3 of them showed a total of 5 recurrences. Considering the variations among clinicopathologic reports of COC from different countries, presentation of epidemiologic data based on a universally accepted classification system would be extremely helpful in providing a better understanding of this lesion and comparing results between studies.

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