
The advanced design and manufacturing/assembly industry is increasingly operating on a globally integrated, Internet-based collaborative model of design, production and support in which OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) assemble products out of components and objects (both hardware and software) by a network of distributed suppliers. This distributed client-server digital enterprise collaboration and creation model is enabled by the Internet, company intranets and consortium-based extranets. This eTransition process leads towards waste reduction, innovation and prosperity at all levels, including not just machines and traditional engineering processes and resources, but also biomedical engineering, medical sciences and human resources, since the integrated, collaborative opportunities of product and process design, information technology and management, must be performed by a highly skilled, collaborating and continuously learning, dynamic workforce. This needs a sound methodology and a firm architecture for documenting, distributing and managing knowledge, the critical resource of any company with a future. In order to fulfil this need, we have created an object/component-oriented methodology and architecture, that is analytical, quantitative, and open-source computational. We have also implemented over 30 open source, 3D browser readable, interactive multimedia, web-enabled library cases, covering a wide range of topics. Each case in this library first looks at the real-world customer requirement, then experts offer one or more solution(s) by explaining real-world solutions, working with real machines, or processes, or systems, and/or engineering management tasks, and then they discuss further development, service, maintenance, integration, connectivity and many other issues with several feedback loops, sound methods, and practical examples. During the discussion, as well as at the end, each 3D multimedia eBook case in the library offers plenty of discussion and improvement opportunities, as well as open-source computational solutions and templates for real or virtual teams to test and validate their own logic, and data. This paper introduces the methodology, to some extent the object/component knowledge documentation architecture, and offers examples of this industry/academia sponsored R@D effort. As our validation results and the over 30 supporting enterprises clearly indicate, our solution can be applied to satisfy a large variety of knowledge documentation and learning, as well as hi-tech product marketing needs. For education, the created CBL Library is an effective method for outcome-oriented problem solving and assessment because it forces both the student as well as the tutor to focus on, and then create, new wealth, and to encourage outcome-oriented educational practices and follow US ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology in the USA), and European educational principles.

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