
A numerical realistic 3D anthropomorphic breast model is useful for evaluating breast imaging applications. A method is proposed to model small and medium-scale fibroglandular and intra-glandular adipose tissues observed in the center part of clinical breast CT images. The method builds upon a previously proposed model formulated as stochastic geometric processes with mathematically tractable parameters. In this work, the medium-scale parameters were automatically and objectively inferred from breast CT images. We hypothesized that a set of random ellipsoids exhibiting cluster interaction is representative to model the medium-scale intra-glandular adipose compartments. The ellipsoids were reconstructed using a multiple birth, death and shift algorithm. Then, a Matérn cluster process was used to fit the reconstructed ellipsoid centers. Finally, distributions of the ellipsoid shapes and orientations were estimated using maximum likelihood estimators. Feasibility was demonstrated on 16 volumes of interests (VOI). To assess the realism of the 3D breast texture model, β and LFE metrics computed in simulated projection images of simulated texture realizations and clinical images were compared. Visual realism was illustrated. For 12 out of 16 VOIs, our hypothesis on clustering interaction process is confirmed. The average β values from simulated texture images (3.7 to 4.2) of the 12 different VOIs are higher than the average β value from 2D clinical images (2.87). LFE of simulated texture images and clinical mammograms are similar. Compared to our previous model, whereby simulation parameters were based upon empirical observations, our inference method substantially augments the ability to generate textures with higher visual realism and larger morphological variety.

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