
Many students enter biochemistry courses with enzyme‐substrate interaction misconceptions stemming from prior biology and chemistry courses where this core concept is inadequately illustrated, explained, and/or assessed. Moreover, research has shown two‐dimensional representations not only fail to effectively convey biochemical concepts, but also propagate misconceptions. Reported enzyme‐substrate interaction misconceptions highlight the necessity for better, targeted instructional tools and assessments. We hypothesize that three‐dimensional (3D) physical models used in conjunction with targeted active learning assessments will increase student understanding of shape, stereochemistry, and electrostatic interactions involved in enzyme‐substrate interactions. We further propose that the use of these physical models will decrease the amount of time needed to complete the active learning assessments while also facilitating a deeper understanding of enzyme‐substrate interactions, therefore offering the instructor time to cover other course topics. This intervention study also addresses several biochemistry threshold concepts and supports the “Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action” report by offering concept‐oriented active learning opportunities.A series of active learning assessments, with corresponding learning objectives and physical models designed by a team of undergraduate students, were developed to address the identified misconceptions of space, electronic interactions, and stereochemistry in enzyme‐substrate interactions. Here we aim to present (1) the design and development of these assessments and corresponding 3D physical models along with (2) the preliminary results of this study. In a control classroom, the active learning assessments were administered and video‐recorded in the absence of 3D physical models. After a second control semester, the physical models will be implemented simultaneously with the assessments into the classroom. In addition, the validated Enzyme‐Substrate Interaction Concept Inventory (ESICI) survey is administered at the beginning and end of each semester to establish a baseline for each class, measure gains in each of the three misconception areas, and offer a comparison against the published national average. Likert‐scale coded scoring of individual questions in the active learning assessments, ESICI results and observational evaluation of the recorded activities will be analyzed for the control and experimental classrooms using a mixed‐methods approach that includes quantitative inferential and descriptive statistical analysis. Preliminary data has been collected and analyzed on the first control semester in Spring 2016 and is planned for Fall 2016, suggesting that the need for this type of intervention is substantial. Further development and results of this study set the stage for curriculum wide development of enzyme‐substrate interaction targeted assessments.

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