
The motional properties of the inner and outer monolayer headgroups of egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) were investigated by 31P-NMR temperature-dependent spin-lattice relaxation time constant (T1) and 31P{1H} nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) analyses. Three different aspects of the dynamics of PC headgroups were investigated using the T1 analysis. First, differences in the dynamics of the headgroup region of both surfaces of the SUV were measured after application of a chemical shift reagent, PrCl3, to either the extra- or intravesicular volumes. Second, the ability of the T1 experiment to resolve the different motional states was evaluated in the absence of shift reagent. Third, comparison between correlation times obtained from a resonance frequency dependent 31P{1H} NOE analysis allowed a determination of the applicability of a simplified motional model to describe phosphorus dipolar relaxation. Temperature-dependent 31P-NMR T1 values obtained for the individual monolayers at 81.0 and 162.0 MHz were modelled assuming that phosphorus undergoes both a dipolar and an anisotropic chemical shielding relaxation mechanism, each being described by the same correlation time, τ. At 162.0 MHz, the position of the T1 minimum for the inner monolayer was 9° higher than that of the outer region, indicating a higher level of motional restriction for the inner leaflet, in agreement with 31P{1H} NOE measurements. The 162.0 MHz T1 profile of the combined SUV monolayers exhibited a smooth minimum located at the midpoint of the monolayer minima positions, effectively masking the presence of the individual surfaces. 31P{1H} NOE results obtained at 32.3, 81.0 and 162.0 MHz did not agree with those predicted from a simple dipolar relaxation model. These results suggest a T1-temperature method can neither discriminate two or more closely related motional time scales in a heterogeneous environment (such as incorporation of protein into lipid bilayers) nor allow accurate determination of the correlation time at the position of the minimum when the dipolar relaxation rate makes a significant contribution to the overall rate.

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