
We report on the design, construction, and operation of a horizontal field, 30 T magnet system with a conical bore optimized for synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction. The magnet offers ±31° optical access downstream of the sample, which allows to measure a sufficiently large number of Debye rings for an accurate crystal structure analysis. Combined with a 290 kJ generator, magnetic field pulses of 60 ms length were generated in the magnet, with a rise time of 4.1 ms and a repetition rate of 6 pulses/h at 30 T. The coil is mounted inside a liquid nitrogen bath. A liquid helium flow cryostat reaches into the coil and allows sample temperature between 5 and 250 K. The setup was used on the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility beamlines ID20 and ID06.

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