
In this chapter, we present a novel Doppler-based vital signs biosensor that can monitor the respiration and heartbeat rates of a person remotely without the need of any obstructions like patches, cords, etc. We will discuss the sensor operation principle and present three generations of systems that were designed to accurately extract the respiration rate and heartbeat of subjects using the Doppler radar principle. The systems have been realized using discrete custom off the shelf (COTS) parts. The first generation of the biosensor system consisted of discrete RF components system and a bulky SRS560 amplifier and filter box. Later generations of sensors consisted of custom designed printed circuits boards (PCBs) for the Doppler transceiver and for performing the analog signal processing. The data obtained using these non-contact biosensor systems was processed and logged in real-time using a LabVIEW© Graphic User Interface (GUI). Digital signal processing extracts the vital signs by filtering, auto correlating and calculating the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the waveforms. A comparison of performance among the three different generations of sensors shows that a quadrature transceiver system using autocorrelation can extract the respiration rates and heartbeat rates most accurately. Our single PCB version of the biosensor system was found to perform as well as the system using bulky components and SRS560 box. Good data accuracy has been observed on the quadrature radar sensor system with mean detection errors for respiration rate within ~1 beat/min and for heart rate within ~3 beat/min. The continuous vital signs data measured from these portable sensors can also be wirelessly transferred to healthcare professionals to make life saving decisions and diagnosis of symptoms. In the future, our vision is that a continuous log of these vital signs info can also be used to remotely monitor and gauge the recovery of patients, and even for the prevention or prediction of severe illnesses and complications.

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