
Physicists question whether there are 'universals' in biology. One reason is that the prevailing theory of biological evolution postulates a random walk to each new adaptation. In the last 50 years, molecular genetics has revealed features of DNA sequence organization, protein structure and cellular processes of genetic change that suggest evolution by Natural Genetic Engineering. Genomes are hierarchically organized as systems assembled from DNA modules. Each genome is formatted and integrated by repetitive DNA sequence elements that do not code for proteins, much as a computer drive is formatted. These formatting elements constitute codons in multiple genetic codes for distinct functions such as transcription, replication, DNA compaction and genome distribution to daughter cells. Consequently, there is a computation-ready Genome System Architecture for each species. Whole-genome sequencing indicates that rearrangement of genetic modules plus duplication and reuse of existing genomic systems are fundamental events in evolution. Studies of genetic change show that cells possess mobile genetic elements and other natural genetic engineering activities to carry out the necessary DNA reorganizations. Natural genetic engineering functions are sensitive to biological inputs and their non-random operations help explain how novel genome system architectures can arise in evolution.

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