
This paper presents the first detailed analysis of cloud-to-ground (CG) and intra-cloud (IC) strokes characteristics from the Lightning Detection Network (LINET) over Italy and the Central Mediterranean area, a lightning active area in south Europe. We study the strokes over a 13-year period from 2010 to 2022, aiming to understand how it varies with different temporal scales (hourly, monthly, seasonally, and yearly), surface types (sea and land), and ground levels (0–100 m; 100–200 m; 200–400 m; 400–800 m; 800–1200 m; 1200–2000 m and above 2000 m).We found that the stroke's maximum activity was observed in August; specifically, July has the maximum activity over the land with a maximum diurnal peak in the afternoon, while in September, the convection shifts over the sea with a secondary daily maximum in the morning. The largest current intensities are observed in January, over sea and during nighttime. Moreover we found that stroke current intensities, polarity and IC height emissions are influenced by ground altitude level. Our paper provides new insights into the spatio-temporal patterns and characteristics of lightning over Italy and the Central Mediterranean area, which can be useful for improving weather forecasting, climate modeling, risk assessment, and damage mitigation strategies in this area.

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