
Lithium isotope (δ7Li) variations in marine carbonate sediments and rocks have been widely used to reconstruct global seawater Li isotope compositions and then trace the paleo-weathering processes. However, there are still debates on whether ancient carbonates can faithfully document original seawater δ7Li signals, as δ7Li values of shallow-water carbonates are tightly related to carbonate mineralogy and diagenetic alteration. In this study, we present high-resolution δ7Li, trace element and carbonate mineralogy data of shallow-water carbonate deposits from two shallow drillcores (Jiuzhang A and B) and a deep drillcore (XK-1) in the South China Sea. We compare these new δ7Li data to the ca. 13 Myr history of seawater δ7Li evolution from the middle Miocene to Pleistocene, in order to better constrain the effects of carbonate mineralogy and early diagenesis on δ7Li values of bulk inorganic carbonates. We observe that the δ7Li values of primary carbonate deposits in Jiuzhang A, B and the uppermost XK-1 drillcores (24.6% ± 1.6%, n = 37, 1σ) are significantly lower than modern seawater δ7Li values (Δ7Liprimary-seawater = ∼–6.0%). In contrast, marine diagenetic carbonates in the XK-1 drillcore exhibit δ7Li values of 28.7% ± 0.7% (n = 54, 1σ), approaching coeval seawater values (Δ7Limarine diagenetic-seawater = ∼–2.0%) and much higher than those of primary carbonate deposits. Meteoric diagenetic carbonates in the XK-1 drillcore show δ7Li values of 22.4% ± 1.6% (n = 46, 1σ), close to that of primary carbonate deposits in Jiuzhang A, B and the uppermost XK-1 drillcores, but significantly lower than coeval seawater δ7Li values (Δ7Limeteoric diagenetic-seawater = –5.0% to –9‰ for modern and Miocene seawater). Such δ7Li variations in shallow-water carbonates are attributed to variations in carbonate mineralogy (i.e., aragonite, high-Mg calcite and low-Mg calcite) and diagenetic regimes (fluid- or sediment-buffered conditions of marine and meteoric diagenesis). By comparing δ7Li data from the South China Sea to those from the Bahamas, we suggest strongly fluid-buffered conditions for Li isotopes during marine diagenesis, resulting in δ7Li values of marine limestones and dolostones approaching ambient seawater δ7Li signals. In contrast, meteoric diagenetic carbonates, likely marked by sediment-buffered conditions, may inherit the original δ7Li signals of primary carbonate deposits. Hence, full considerations of the carbonate mineralogy and diagenesis facilitate a better use of bulk inorganic carbonate-archived δ7Li to reconstruct paleo-weathering evolution in deep time lacking the skeletal fossil records.

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