
A recently proposed method for realizing frequency-reconfigurable antennas across a wideband is based on adjusting the feed amplitudes and phases of a multiport antenna. In this article, we demonstrate the feasibility of the method, for the first time, with a conjunction of an integrated RF transmitter and a four-element antenna cluster. The implementation performs on-chip amplitude and phase tuning with supply scaling and delay tuning circuits to tune the antenna cluster without requirement of matching network. The antenna cluster is built with four closely spaced antenna elements implemented on a printed circuit board. The transmitter integrated circuit (IC) is implemented in a 28-nm CMOS process with the chip size of 0.85 mm $\times0.95$ mm, including pads. The proof-of-concept implementation demonstrates tunability across a wideband from 1.5 to 5 GHz.


  • A bstr a ct — Arece ntl yprop os e d m et hodforre ali zi ngfrequenc yr econfigura bl e a nt e n n as a c r oss a wi deband is b as edona dj usti ngthefeedam plit u d es andph as es of a m ulti p o rt a nt e n n a

  • Thepro of- of- conce pt i m pl e m e nt ati ondemo nst r at es t u n a bilit y a c r oss a wi debandfrom 1. 5 t o 5 G H z

  • Ryynänenh as s er v e d as aTPCMemb er f or t h e E ur opeanS oli d- St at e Cir c uits C o nf er e n c e ( E S S CI R C) andtheIEEEI nt er n ati o n al S oli d- St at e Circ uits C o nf er e n c e (ISSCC) andaGu est E dit or f or theIEEEJOURNALOFSO LI D - ST ATECIRC UI T S

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Hthe pr olif er ati o n of newra di o st a n d ar ds, t h e wir el ess d e vi c es needtoop er at e a cr oss e v er wi d er range of s p e ctr u m. T h e a nt ennatu ni n g is a c hi e v e d wit h o pti m al w ei g ht e d e x cit ati o ns t h at r es ult inreducedrefle cti o ns at diff er e nt feedp oi nts of t h e a nt e n n a cl ust er. Whenthea nt ennafee ds ar e e x cit e d wit hsuchw ei g ht e d si g n als, theph as e v ari ati o ns alt er theTARCp erf or mance, as shownin Fi g. T h e f oll o wi n g d es cri b es t h e s yst e m-l e v el s p e ci fi c ati o ns f or (m , n ) andtheim pl e m e nt e d cir c uit t o p ol o gi es t o a c hi evethed esir e d a m plit udeandph as e t u ni n g

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