
The purpose of our study was to determine the distribution of pulmonary flow at rest and with exertion in total or partial by-pass of the right ventricle (TBP and PBP). During 1990–1994, 98 patients (p) were studied within their first post-operative year utilizing pulmonary scintigraphy with 99 m TcMM. The radioactive agent was injected intravenously by superior(arm) and inferior (leg) routes in these patients with congenital cardiopathies consisting of a univentricular atrioventricular (AV) connection or other complex cardiopathies with pulmonary stenosis or previous pulmonary arterial banding unamendable to biventricular correction. Pulmonary perfusion was considered to be homogeneous with a right/left lung ratio of <60/40, right dominant with >80/20, and slightly right dominant with a 60–70/30–40 ratio. 10 p were further studied utilizing 99 m Tc-MAA scintigraphy during maximal exertion (ergometric stress test). TBP (33 p): The pulmonary perfusion was homogeneous (52/48) in 20 p with Atriopulmonary anastomosis (APA), right dominant (88/12) in 7 p [5 p with Total Cavo-pulmonary anastomosis (TCP) and 2 p with Kawashima's operation] as determined equally by superior and inferior injection routes (p < 0.001). Perfusion was slightly right dominant (68/32) aw determined via superior injection routes in 6 p with combined surgery: Bidirectional Cavopulmonary anastomosis (CP2-D) and APA (p < 0.001). PBP (65 p): Pulmonary perfusion, as determined by superior injection routes, was right dominant (86/14) in CP2-D (p < 0.001). It was equally right dominant in 59 p with pulsatile flow (87/13), -anteriograde ventricular flow or subclavian-pulmonary anastomosis-, as in 6 p with non-pulsatile flow (88/12) (p:NS). The pulmonary perfusion was right dominant (92/8) in 9 p (3 CP2-D, 3 TCP. 3 CP2-D and APA) and remained right dominant with exertion (88/12), In 1 p with APA and homogeneous perfusion (52/48) flow persisted to be homogeneous (54/46) with exertion. 1] Pulmonary perfusion is homogeneous in APA as determined equally by superior and inferior injection routes; there is a dominantly right disbalance in TCP, Kawashima's operation, and CP2-D pulsatile or non-pulsatile flow; and slightly right dominant in CP2-D and APA combined surgery. Perfusion appears to dominate the lung on whose respective side the Cavo-pulmonary anastomosis (CPA) was placed. 2] After present techniques of CPA to a branch of the pulmonary artery, a disbalance of pulmonary perfusion was observed and found to persist exertion. 3] With respect to pulmonary perfusion, APA appears to be the best option as it provides a mixing chamber to maintain homogeneous perfusion to both lungs.

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