
In multicomponent seismic surveys, separation of interfering compressional (P) and shear-wave (S) energy provides valuable information for the interpretation of mode conversions and seismic anisotropy. We present a technique for such a separation using a polarization-dependent velocity filtering. At the first step of the procedure, a linear two-channel filter is designed in the frequency-wavenumber domain, with filter coefficients determined by the angles of incidence of respective seismic waves. Due to several physical reasons, the filter is unstable near the high end of the P-wave spectrum. We stabilize the filter with the use of S-wave spectrum balancing. This operation results in a robust decomposition into P- and SV-responses, while retaining the full energy of the vector wavefield. We implement this method in a module of our seismic processing system. The module employs a versatile parametrization scheme, as well as structured data input/output. It is able to process VSP or surface data, with velocities varying by either depth or offset. Application of the module to the processing of an offset VSP from the Kola Superdeep Borehole demonstrates that the program successfully separates P- and S-wave phases in crustal VSP data.

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