
Abstract Introduction Ensuring correct documentation and safe handover is key to the running of a successful surgical department. At Imperial College Healthcare Trust, this process has been made easier through various electronic systems available to our Orthopaedic department: our in-house CERNER system and out-of-house system eTrauma, the latter of which is predominantly used. The aim of this project was to assess our efficiency in terms of time management between the two systems, as well as financial implications of saved time. Method Multiple members of the Orthopaedic team timed themselves when entering information regarding a referral or an admission into both systems. This allowed us to estimate the financial implications of moving away from eTrauma. Results An average referral took 165 seconds (n = 27) to input information onto eTrauma, versus 38 seconds (n = 25) for CERNER. Time taken to document an admission was 127 seconds (n = 33) and 26 seconds (n = 31) respectively. The current hourly wage for our junior members is £22.84 per hour or 38p per minute. Moving away from eTrauma to CERNER will save around £1.50 for every 2 referrals and 2.5 admissions, solely from documentation. This is excluding the other benefits of CERNER, such as quick access to relevant clinical information, pathology results and imaging. Conclusions Leaving eTrauma behind will reduce the time spent on documentation by orthopaedic junior doctors. This will result in increased efficiency and will lessen the financial burden on an already overstretched budget. Our formal data will contribute to decision making and future resource allocation in our local Trauma and Orthopaedic Department.

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