
were present in respectively 97%, 40%, and 60% using SE, and 92%, 33%, and 58% using the HD (p=NS). There was a good agreement between the 2 imaging devices for the sclerosis of all aortic valve cusps (right cusp 93.2%, k=0.89, left cusp 94.7%, k=0.88, non coronary cusp 81.4%, k=0.74). The agreement was also good for evaluation of MAC and ARS, respectively 89.7%, k=0.78 and 98.2%, k=0.96. During DSE wall motion abnormalities at rest and ischemic segments at peak were present respectively in 36 (50%) and 11 (23%) of patients. There was no correlation between the grade of AVS and the number of dysfunctional segments at rest (p= 0.20) or the number of ischemic segments at peak DSE (p=0.21). Conclusion: Hand-held echocardiography is a simple, reliable and inexpensive tool to screen patients for AVS, MAC and ARS. 927 The performance of hand-carried ultrasound devices for assessment of global and segmental left ventricular function is improved with the use of echocontrast.

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