
Abstract The objective was to understand decision-making factors for bull selection of producers participating in the Illinois Performance Tested (IPT) bull sale. The IPT bull sale has served Illinois beef producers for the last 54 yr offering around 50 bulls annually. A comprehensive survey targeted a diverse group of beef producers that had previously attended the IPT bull sale. The survey was developed through Qualtrics and provided to producers via email. The survey consisted of 40 questions based on four categories: farm location, herd demographics, bull selection criteria, and feedback from previous experiences at the IPT bull sale. There were a variety of question types including multiple choice, select all that apply, open-ended, ranking of importance, and select on a scale from one to ten. Specific responses on bull selection criteria focused on expected progeny differences and functional traits. Survey results were grouped based on whether producers retained ownership of feedlot cattle; regularly retained ownership (RET; n = 12) and never retained ownership (NRET; n = 15). Data were analyzed with the MIXED and GLIMMIX procedures of SAS 9.4. For RET and NRET producers, there were no observed differences in mature cow body weight and herd size (P ≥ 0.42). Most producers responded that they calved in March and April. Producer groups did not differ (P = 0.99) in the percentage of respondents retaining replacement heifers, as 66% of RET and NRET producers retained replacements. However, RET producers tended to be more likely (P = 0.07) to regularly sell freezer beef. Specifically, 75% of RET producers regularly sell freezer beef compared with 13% of NRET producers. Additionally, RET producers tended to prioritize (P = 0.1) carcass trait expected progeny differences in bull selection more than NRET producers (66 vs 33%, respectively). There was no difference (P = 0.2) in the percentage of respondents that selected the weaning weight expected progeny difference in their top three traits. However, NRET producers were much more likely (P < 0.01) to prioritize yearling weight expected progeny difference in their bull selection decisions. Specifically, 66% of RET producers used yearling weight expected progeny difference in their bull selection compared with 0% of NRET producers. Lastly, there was no difference (P = 0.61) in the percentage of respondents who included docility in their top three functional traits. In conclusion, bull buyers at the IPT bull sale that regularly retain ownership of feedlot cattle were more likely to prioritize expected progeny differences for yearling weight and carcass traits while functional traits priorities were similar to producers that did not retain ownership of feedlot cattle.

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