
This chapter discusses the critical issue of gender equity and governance in Pakistan using Leventhal's concept of equity and organizational justice. Both distributive justice and procedural justice are interrelated concepts, and are considered important in the analysis of the issue. An application of the Gender, Organization and System (GOS) framework to the local governance system in Pakistan reveals several systemic, organizational and personal factors that contribute to the low participation of women in governance. It underscores the need for adopting a two-pronged strategy that seeks to promote participation through developing people and an enabling environment in institutions. The interventions in this regard includes: repeal of discriminatory laws and procedures through legislation; equitable access to education, health and employment opportunities; gender-sensitive organizational policies and practices; capacity building; mentoring, networking, and partnering for research and creation of indigenous knowledge; and political will and sincere support for having a meaningful impact on governance. Keywords: Gender, Organization and System (GOS); gender-sensitive organizational policies; Leventhal's Concept ofOrganizational Justice; local governance system; Pakistan

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