
Tima has approximately 6,000 speakers, most of whom live in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. This chapter presents some background information on the language and grammatical issues prerequisite to a proper understanding of the examples in the discussion on perception and cognition in Tima. Then, it focuses on the domain of perception and cognition. For a better understanding of the examples, it explains the following morphological phenomena: transitivity, pluractionality, instrumental and antipassive marking. In addition, it provides some information on telicity as well as on the tense/aspect system, the constituent order and the lexicon. The chapter also summarizes the verbs discussed and shows which Tima verbs convey a clear perceptional/concrete meaning, which verbs have a pure cognitive meaning, and which verbs oscillate between the two domains. The chapter presents a closer look into the verbs of perception and cognition with regard to derivational properties and valency. Keywords:antipassive marking; cognition; instrumental marking; perception; pluractionality; Tima; Tima lexicon; transitivity

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