
The 8Li+4He elastic scattering excitation function was measured by using the inverse kinematic thick target method. The 8Li beam was provided by the LNS radioactive facility EXCYT at an energy of 30 MeV and it was delivered into a large scattering chamber filled with 4He gas. The detection system was made by three silicon telescopes and one MCP. This last detector was used to measure the number of incident particles as well as the time of flight allowing for the discrimination between elastic and inelastic scattering. The setup and the experimental technique will be described in details and the results, as well as the comparison of the data with an R-matrix calculation, will be shown and discussed.


  • One of the interesting topics that can be explored by radioactive beams is the exotic clustering.In this type of clustering nuclei are described as formed by two or more clusters where, at least one of them, is an exotic nucleus itself.Studying the structure of neutron rich nuclei, Kanada En’yo and collaborators [1] performed calculations in the Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics (AMD) framework in order to describe the structure of odd Boron isotopes

  • We have reported the measurements of the 8Li-α elastic scattering excitation function by using the TTIK method

  • The technique included a time of flight measurement that allows the discrimination of elastic scattering from other reaction mechanisms

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