
89Y pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance measurements have been performed at low temperatures in (RxY1−x)Fe2 compounds, where R is a heavy rare-earth (Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm) in the range 0≤x≤0.05. The spectra were measured at 4.2 K, except for Dy (77.4 K). The spectra were analyzed in terms of direct and indirect (through common Fe neighbors) transferred hf interactions. The direct transferred hf field amounts to a few kOe per rare earth 1st neighbor; the indirect contributions of the first two shells are smaller by a factor of 10. We have found that a model that restricts the transferred hyperfine interactions to the indirect hf field or considers the first three neighbor shells in the same way is not satisfactory to explain the changes in the hyperfine field at Y nuclei.

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