
Aim Study of suggestibility in persons with schizophrenia to ascertain whether it is advisable to use hypno-suggestive methods in the system of psychotherapeutic help to them. Method As a method of study we used Barber's Creative Imagination Scale. To subjects of the experimental group this method was applied from 2 to 5 times, during 6 months. Main results In the experimental group the subjects have been distributed in the following way: (0) lack of suggestibility - 12.68%; (1) weak degree of suggestibility - 20.56%; (2) average degree of suggestibility - 13.8%; (3) high degree of suggestibility - 24.51%; (4) very high degree of suggestibility - 28.45%. In the control group we have obtained the following percentage distribution of subjects: (0) lack of suggestibility - 6.76%; (1) weak degree of suggestibility - 17.18%; (2) average degree of suggestibility - 22.25%; (3) high degree of suggestibility - 27.89%; (4) very high degree of suggestibility - 25.92%. We also have studied changeableness of suggestibility during 6 months in the experimental group: invariable indices of suggestibility were shown by 27.95% of subjects; 37.26% of subjects had slight changeableness; suggestibility was considerably changed in 26.09% of subjects; and radical change was obtained in 8.7% of subjects. Conclusion The obtained results point to the advisability of applying hypno-suggestive methods in the system of psychotherapeutic help of individuals suffering from schizophrenia.

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