
用中国原子能科学研究院HI13串列加速器上的多探测器快中子飞行时间谱仪, 测量了8.19 MeV中子与9Be作用时, 从20°到160°区间26个角度的次级中子双微分截面。测量截面以np散射截面作为标准进行归一。实验结果用Monte Carlo方法进行了中子注量率衰减、多次散射和有限几何修正, 并用MCNP4C程序对所用的Monte Carlo程序进行了验证。测量结果与评价数据以及其它实验室的数据进行了比较。 The secondary neutron emission doubledifferential cross section of 9Be induced by 8.19 MeV neutron was measured at 26 different angles from 20°to 150°by using the multidetector fast neutron TOF spectrometer at the HI 13 Tandem Accelerator at China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE). The results were normalized to np scattering measurement. A special MonteCarlo code which was validated with the MCNP 4C code was employed to analyze the measured data for the corrections of neutron flux attenuation, multiple scattering and finite geometry. The measured results were compared with the evaluated data and the other measurements.  

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