
It is known that climate change has a major impact on agricultural production. High ambient temperature not only adversely affects crop production, but also animal agriculture. This chapter present the impact of the adverse effects of heat stress on the antioxidant status, energy metabolism and performance of pigs and poultry. It also aims to demonstrate how to repair the damaged antioxidant system and to improve the performance of animals by means of nutritional tools. Based on literature data, it is clear that changes in climatic conditions will directly influence animals, with the changes most likely involving higher temperatures in the future. More heat production due to heat stress means more energy loss by animals. Associated with heat stress are changes in the antioxidant system too. In addition, climate changes (heat stress) can also influence the performance (e.g., feed intake, daily gain feed conversion efficiency, meat quality) of pigs and poultry. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that different nutritional methods are available to compensate the harmful effects of heat stress: e.g. antioxidant vitamins (e.g. A, C, E, etc.), micro minerals (e.g. zinc, selenium, etc.), monovalent ions (e.g. Na-, K-bicarbonate, K-hydro carbonate, K-sulphate) and fat addition to diets. Feeding low protein diets with synthetic amino acids according to the ideal protein concept and adding dietary betaine to diets may also be an option to reduce heat stress.

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