
Abstract Introduction The informed consent (IC) process can sometimes result in a lack of understanding due to the technical nature of the information provided. Coupled with the physical disorientation within the hospital, this can lead to perioperative anxiety and a greater risk of complications. Methods META-health is an application for mobile devices that seeks to improve these deficiencies using metaverse and extended reality visualization technologies. By recreating the hospital environment in a virtual setting, it allows repeating the preoperative consultation and visualization of various hospital areas, including the hospitalization floor, operating room, and consultation spaces. Multimedia content is included so that the information can be more easily understood. In addition, gamification has been implemented as an option to integrate entertainment into the understanding process of stomatal management. Results The pilot application was modeled and developed, and the first focus group was held to assess the quality, management, orientation, and comprehension of content. The sample of 12 patients indicated proposals for improvement and functional errors: 66.7% required control of the explanatory videos, 75% requested information on ostomies and difficulties in handling the joystick. The application is currently focused on colorectal cancer patients and intends to expand to other conditions and functionalities to become a functional metaverse. Finally, 100% of participants confirmed the usefulness of the idea and the importance of receiving information and support throughout the process. Conclusion The use of extended reality and the metaverse improves the understanding of informed consent (IC) by patients and relatives, as well as decreases perioperative anxiety.

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