
This chapter provides an overview of higher education policy in the Netherlands. In The Netherlands, children's school life begins at the age of 4 or 5. Primary education lasts 8 years and children enter secondary education around the age of 12. The Dutch secondary education system contains a variety of forms with possibilities of transfer from one type to another. Five categories of secondary education can be distinguished—pre-university education (vwo), senior general secondary education (HAVO), junior general secondary education (MAVO), junior secondary vocational education (VBO), and senior secondary vocational education (MBO). Except for MBO, all these categories follow immediately after primary school. In terms of their function, these types of schools either prepare students for further education or for direct entry into the labor market. The boundaries between the categories of secondary education are permeable, for example MAVO graduates can transfer to a senior grade of HAVO and HAVO dropouts can transfer to MAVO. All forms are regulated through the Secondary Education Act.

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