
Angular distributions of the 7Li(15N, 14C)8Be reaction were measured at the energy Elab(15N) = 81 MeV. Data for transfer to the ground and first two excited states in 8Be were acquired as well as to the 14C ground and excited states. The reaction data were analyzed within the coupled-reaction-channels (CRC) method. The required 15N + 7Li entrance channel potential was taken from the 15N + 7Li elastic scattering. The 14C + 8Be potential was found by fitting Woods–Saxon form potentials to those generated by double folded real and imaginary potentials in the region of interaction. These generated potentials were then used in the CRC calculations. Proton transfer dominants this reaction, including to the excited states of 8Be. The reaction dependence on the exit channel potential was examined by using the 13C + 8Be potential previously deduced from the 9Be(12C, 13C)8Be reaction and 14C + 8Be from the 13C(9Be, 8Be)14C reaction.

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