
The article illustrates the changes to the United Nations that incurred upon it as the result of world events during the 77 years since its establishment in 1945. After defining the events, the article articulates their effects. The events are the following: the liquidation of the colonial system, the rise and fall of the Soviet empire and, the emergence of a new world order under the leadership of the United States of America. The effects are the following. Certain articles fall into disuse by not being implemented or applied. Other articles were interpreted or applied in ways that the founders of the United Nations did not contemplate. Special organs and agencies were created. Supplementary or supporting treaties or agreements were concluded. The organs and procedures of the United Nations underwent an evolutionary growth through the process of trial and error. These events affected the system, structure, functions and roles of the United Nations, and the influence within. The article aims to prove that the 2022 United Nations is differently distinct than the 1945 United Nations.

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