
Cardiac myxoma, the most common primary heart tumor, is located mainly in the left atrium. Approximately 80% of primary heart tumors are benign, and 50% of these are myxomas. We review our data from January 2004 to January 2014, 35 cases of cardiac myxoma resection done in Althawra general Hospital – Cardiac center and mean follow up 60 months. Total number was 35 cases, mean age 44.2 years (age range 22–65 years ) and female predominant accounting for 21 compared to 14 male, 3 were hypertensive, 5 smokers and one with positive hepatitis B virus, 48% of our patients were O+ve blood group and 28.5% were A+ve. The presenting symptoms were shortness of breath in 48.5%, palpitation in 22.5%, strock in 17%, syncope in 8.5%, and accidental finding in 6%. Resection of the myxoma done under total CBP and worm blood cardioplegic arrest, through the right atrial approach, and the resected mass sent for histopathological examination. In all cases Histopathological examinations confirm the diagnosis of Myxoma. Operative Mortality rate were 2.8% (one patient) and we have one patient with recurrent myxoma after 2 years interval representing 2.8%. No late death recorded during the followup period. Surgical resection of cardiac myxoma is the only cure and it is safe with low recurrent rate.

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