
We interpret the diphoton excess recently reported by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations as a new resonance arising from the sgoldstino scalar, which is the superpartner of the Goldstone mode of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking, the goldstino. The sgoldstino is produced at the LHC via gluon fusion and decays to photons, with interaction strengths proportional to the corresponding gaugino masses over the supersymmetry breaking scale. Fitting the excess, while evading bounds from searches in the dijet, Zγ, ZZ, and WW final states, selects the supersymmetry breaking scale to be a few TeV and particular ranges for the gaugino masses. The two real scalars, corresponding to the CP-even and CP-odd parts of the complex sgoldstino, both have narrow widths, but their masses can be split of the order of 10-30GeV by electroweak mixing corrections, which could account for the preference of a wider resonance width in the current low-statistics data. In the parameter space under consideration, tree level F-term contributions to the Higgs mass arise, in addition to the standard D-term contribution proportional to the Z-boson mass, which can significantly enhance the tree level Higgs mass.

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