
Introduction In 2011 Several institutions of the Catalan network of Mental Public Health initiated a project to improve the attention of patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD), following Prof. Otto Kernberg model: The Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP). Methodology In every telematic meeting, the transcription of the clinical session with its video recording is presented to Dr. P. Foelsch and the rest of professionals from the supervision group. Results From the different techniques of the TFP, the following were of great usefulness for the observed case: the therapeutic contract, which facilitated working the impulsiveness of the patient, the techniques of clarification, confrontation and interpretation that allowed the patient to understand what was happening to her and to integrate separated aspects of herself, and the recognition of the non verbal language that in numerous occasions was the best way to understand what was happening to the patient. Conclusions The advantages of the TFP on the observed case, and generally, in BPD patients are many, but I would highlight: First, as these patients manifest their primitive conflicts in dissociated behaviour rather than in the content of free association, the more systematized interventions of the TFP makes easier to work with them. Secondly, the therapeutic contract at the beginning, permits to maintain the treatment frame under even sever acting-out conditions.

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