
All pregnancy-associated tissues are capable of producing prostaglandins including PGI2 and TXA2. In normal pregnancy there is a dominance of PGI2 over TXA2 which may contribute to the maternal circulatory adaptation to pregnancy. Furthermore, both fetoplacental PGI2 and TXA2 production are important regulators of the fetal blood supply. It has been clearly established that in pre-eclampsia PGI2 production decreases in the fetoplacental tissues and quite probably also in the maternal tissues. The effect of this change may be further exaggerated by the simultaneous stimulation in pre-eclampsia of TXA2 production. The reason for PGI2 deficiency is not known. Other vasoactive agents, such as endothelin, may act in concert with prostaglandins. Relative PGI2 deficiency is likely to exist also in IUGR and lupus anticoagulant syndrome of pregnancy. In the latter, lupus anticoagulant may directly inhibit the synthesis of PGI2. One study suggests PGI2 deficiency also in early pregnancies of women with a history of repeated abortions. Prostaglandin production increases during full-term labour, and similar but smaller changes also occur in preterm labour. A silent bacterial infection may trigger the onset of preterm labour through cytokine-stimulated increase of prostaglandin production. No data were found on prostaglandin production in post-term pregnancies. That oligo-polyhydramnios is possibly prostaglandin mediated is suggested by the control of polyhydramnios by indomethacin treatment. Smoking decreases the production of PGI2 and possibly increases that of TXA2, which may lead to decreased blood flow and IUGR. Which constituent of cigarette smoke exerts this effect is not known. Ethanol consumption causes aberrations in prostaglandin metabolism which cannot be directly connected with fetal alcohol effects.

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