
The problem of Jerusalem is one of most emotional and explosive issues in world. Unlike other issues of Arab-Israeli conflict, its importance and dimensions transcend Middle East and its peoples. Jerusalem is unique among all cities of world because of its association with three great religions. It is spiritual and religious heritage of one-half of humanity and is holy for one thousand million Christians, seven hundred million Muslims, and fourteen million Jews. Jerusalem is birthplace of Christianity. Almost all holy places, sacred shrines, and sanctuaries connected with birth, life, and death of Christ are found in Jerusalem and in nearby Bethlehem: Holy Sepulchre, Via Dolorosa, Church of Nativity, Cenacle, Garden of Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, and thirty-eight churches. Jerusalem is also holy for Islam: All Islamic traditions and sacred writings point to unmistakable fact that Jerusalem is holy for all Moslems, second only in holiness to Mecca and Medina. It is gibla (direction of prayer) and third of sacred cities.1 The name of Jerusalem in Arabic is 44 Al Qods which means 44the holy. On site of Haram AlSharif in Old City of Jerusalem stand two famous Islamic sanctuaries: of Dome of Rock, which was built in seventh century, and of Al-Aqsa, meaning the farthest, which was built in eighth century on place associated by Islamic tradition with the farthest Mosque mentioned in Qur'an (surah xvii:l).2 In addition to these two historic mosques, there are thirty-four other mosques

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