
This chapter discusses the steps in production and distribution of a final document for delivery to a supplier. These steps begin when a writer has incorporated all technical and editorial review comments and the document is stable. Production ends when the final document, in electronic or hardcopy form, has been sent to an internal organization or external supplier. Each information group within Digital has its own process for handling the details of production, depending on the group's needs. Although each group must perform the same major steps, the group might use a variety of approaches and methods. A document is considered final when all art is in place, each page is proof-read, last minute edits are verified, and final pagination is made. The timing and responsibility for proofreading varies from group to group. Proof-reading might be performed by in-house editors, contract proof readers, or an off-site proof-reading supplier. The document should be processed one last time during production to ensure that the latest technical changes, proof-reading edits, and art changes are in the final copy. Responsibility for performing the final build varies from group to group.

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