
Various methods are used to describe communication protocols. The search for suitable description methods for communication protocols in the 1980s yielded a broad range of approaches out of which some fundamental methods have crystallized. These methods constitute the basis of the semantic models of the various formal description techniques. Therefore we first consider the most important description methods in this chapter before we turn to the formal description techniques. From these, finite state machines, Petri nets, process calculi, and temporal logics have crystallized as the most important and most common ones. Apart from these methods, other approaches were also investigated, such as the use of grammars, data flow languages, and functional languages. They did not receive wider attention because they were not applied to real-life protocols. The use of high-level programming languages was considered likewise. Programming languages support the algorithmic description of protocol procedures as well as the generation of prototypes, but they usually do not possess a formally defined semantics. In addition, programming languages are primarily implementation languages and not specification languages. They often yield descriptions which are close to an implementation. For that reason, high-level programming languages are not used for protocol description. Many formal description techniques, however, use programming language features.

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