
This study aimed to determine the cellulase activity in broilers digestive tract after the treatment of soya wastes and palm kernel fermented by A.niger (AKBIS Prob) in the ration. This study used a complete randomized factorial design, which consists of two factors, namely the AKBIS Prob composition factor and the duration of AKBIS Prob. Twenty four broilers were divided into four groups by randomized and three replications of each. The feed supplement combinations were P0 (commercial), P1 (commercial and AKBIS Prob 2%), P2 (commercial and AKBIS Prob 4%), and P3 (commercial and AKBIS Prob 6%). The intestine preparation was taken at the 22 and 36 days to extraction and detection the cellulase activity concentration. Data were analyzed using variance analysis of factorial patterns. AKBIS Prob 2,4 and 6% was no effect (P 0.05) to the cellulase activity in the small and large intestine, while the treatment duration was significant (P0,05) in the small intestine but neither in the large intestine (P0,05) to the cellulase activity. The addition of AKBIS Prob 2.4 and 6% had no effect (P 0.05) on the concentration of cellulase activity in the small intestine and large intestine, while the duration the treatment was very significant (P 0.05) in the small intestine and neither in the large intestine (P 0.05) on the concentration of cellulase activity. The AKBIS administration in the ration for 22 days can increase the activity and concentration of cellulase activity in the small intestine of the digestive tract of broiler chickens.


  • Ayam broiler mempunyai potensi yang besar dalam memberikan sumbangan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumsi protein hewani masyarakat Indonesia, karena sifat proses produksi relatif cepat dan hasilnya dapat diterima masyarakat luas

  • determine the cellulase activity in broilers digestive tract after the treatment of soya wastes and palm kernel fermented by A.niger

  • which consists of two factors

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Metode Penelitian

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial (Tabel 1), yang terdiri dari dua faktor perlakuan, yaitu faktor penambahan AKBIS Prob dengan berbagai konsentrasi (2, 4 dan 6%) dalam ransum dan faktor lama pemberian AKBIS Prob berdasarkan fase pertumbuhan ayam broiler (fase strater dan fase grower). Fase strater diamati setelah pemeliharaan 22 dan fase grower diamati setelah pemeliharaan 36 hari.Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 3 ekor ayam

Prosedur Penelitian Proses membuat AKBIS Prob
Pemeliharaan ayam dan pemberian AKBIS Prob
Preparasi usus
Ekstraksi selulase kasar isi usus
Deteksi aktivitas selulase kasar menggunakan metode Well diffusion
Pengukuran konsentrasi aktivitas selulase
Deteksi Aktivitas Selulase Usus Halus dan Usus Besar
Lama pemberian
AKBISprob dalam ransum
Deteksi aktivitas selulose dengan
AKBIS Prob dalam ransum
Aktivitas Enzim Selulase dan Xilanase Isolat
Desa Rimbo Panjang Kabupaten Kampar
Studi pembuatan enzim selulase dari mikrofungi
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