
The Healthcare industry is experiencing a sea change due to the availability of disruptive communication technologies. Augmented reality, virtual reality, haptics, robotic assistance, and the ubiquitous, highly reliable low latency communication based on intelligence; support remote surgery in real-time. The sixth-generation (6G) mobile communication supporting disruptive technologies and intelligence; will realize remote healthcare for people of all ages in three-dimensional (3D) space. The discussion on the application of disruptive technologies in 6G intelligent healthcare is found insufficient in the literature. The objective of the paper is to propose a conceptual framework for 6G intelligent healthcare and elaborate on applications of the various disruptive technologies with their associated challenges. The state-of-the-art technologies viz; digital twin, blockchain, optical wireless communication, wireless energy transfer, tactile Internet, holographic communication, quantum communication, artificial intelligence, etc., are elaborated for their applications and challenges in healthcare. The fifth-generation (5G) lacks supporting disruptive technologies, intelligence, and ultra-low latency requirements of remote healthcare. 6G will support highly reliable (99.9999%), secure, ultra-low latency (<0.1 microseconds), and ultra-high-speed communication (>1 Tbps) required for remote and ubiquitous healthcare. Moreover, 6G supports the Internet of Everything, Internet of skills, and Internet of thinking to realize and optimize healthcare globally.

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