
Abstract Introduction The purpose of this project was to explore what health outcomes matter to frail older people. This would provide information that would be of use to both providers and payers of health care services to align their priorities in line with these. Frailty is an important and relevant topic in healthcare. In England 5% of people aged 60-69 have frailty. This rises to 65% in people aged over 90. There are 1.8 million people aged over 60 and 0.8 million people aged over 80 living with frailty. (English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2016)). This number is due to increase. The aims of this research were: To review the literature on health outcomes in older people including frail older people.To conduct a focus group interview with frail older people to ascertain their views on health outcomes.To disseminate and share the reviews and study findings via presentations and publications. Ethics Ethical approval was granted by the University of Liverpool’s Health and Life Sciences Research Ethics Committee (application number 4163). Methods A systematic review of the literature was undertaken. Thereafter a focus group interview was held with six frail older people. The participants were aged 65 years and over and had mild to moderate frailty using the Clinical Frailty Scale. The interview recording was transcribed, and common themes identified and analysed. Results Eight themes were identified from the focus group: - Trust in medical professionalsVulnerability of being an older person in hospitalPolypharmacy and wastage of medicationDischarge Planning & Co-Ordination of Care at HomeTaking responsibility for your own healthNomenclatureAutonomyFalls Conclusion This study has identified themes that can be utilised to raise awareness among health care professionals on what matters to frail older people. The study findings will hopefully provide an opportunity for meaningful discussions around what is needed to better meet these desired health outcomes.

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