
Background: Tubeless insulin pump therapy (IPT) offers an alternative to tubed insulin pumps and multi-dose injections (MDI) for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). No formal interview studies have explored individual's lived experiences of using tubeless IPT. Aim: To gain insight into the lived experience of using a tubeless IPT system compared to usual tubed IPT or MDI care. Methods: Interviews were conducted 12-weeks after using an Omnipod DASH® Insulin Management System (Insulet, Acton MA) in a randomised controlled trial. The interview transcripts were subject to a thematic analysis, a method for identifying patterned meaning across datasets. Results: Thirty-six adults (24 female; age 43±14 years; 21 previous MDI) were interviewed. Overall experiences of the Omnipod DASH were encompassed by 3 major themes: 1. Taking back control of my diabetes: many previous MDI users perceived improvement in glycaemic control, explained by more accurate insulin dosing, with some reporting positive effects during exercise and sleep. 2. Taking back control of the narrative: many previous MDI and IPT users endorsed positive experiences in relation to concealing or disclosing their diabetes to others (“you can hide it if you want to, you can let it be seen if you want to”). However, some previous MDI users reported negative psychosocial experiences due to the visibility of their diabetes and continuous device attachment (“…it's always there, whereas with the needles, you just set and forget”). 3. Barriers affecting long-term use: many participants reported wearability issues, alarm issues and the financial burden of the device. However, the majority indicated they would use and recommend tubeless IPT to others with T1D. Conclusion: Perceptions regarding tubeless IPT were related to individual needs and lifestyle, with previous treatment experience playing an important role. This work highlights the importance of understanding lived experience for future device development. Disclosure A.P.Stocco: None. S.Fourlanos: Advisory Panel; Viatris Inc., Pfizer Inc., Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly Alliance. E.I.Ekinci: Advisory Panel; Eli Lilly Australia Pty Limited, Research Support; Eli Lilly Australia Pty Limited, Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly Alliance, Insulet Corporation, Medtronic. D.N.O'neal: None. S.Trawley: Research Support; Insulet Corporation, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Y.W.Kong: None. C.Yuan: None. K.V.Kiburg: None. K.Brown: None. A.Partovi: None. K.L.Roem: None. N.Harrison: None.

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