
Paraphilias, the basis of paraphilic disorders (DSM-5) or disorder of sexual preference (ICD-10) are characterized as any intense and persistent sexual interest other than that focused on genital or preliminary stimulation with human partners that consent and present phenotype normal and physical maturity. A paraphilic disorder is a paraphilia that is causing suffering or injury to the individual or whose satisfaction entails harm or risk of personal injury to others. It is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a paraphilic disorder, and a paraphilia alone does not necessarily justify and requires clinical intervention. a) To analyze the Brazilian scientific production in the last 10 years on the concept of paraphilia. b) Check methodological characteristics and emphasis of studies by area of knowledge. The systematic analysis followed the guideline PRISMA, in which 22 productions between articles and theses were found in the Bases VHL, Periodicals CAPES, Scielo and Thesis and Dissertations-CAPES. Most of the methodologies are of a qualitative nature, with prevalence of case studies or non-systematic narrative analysis. Categories: By area of scientific production, they reveal that Medicine seeks to evaluate therapeutic approaches of sexual aggressors and paraphilic disorders. Psychology aims to analyze, explore and emphasize aspects related to perversion or to investigate the characteristics of self-perception of abusers and personality. In this area, most of the production is focused on psychoanalytic theory. Social Sciences and Humanities analyze the issue of gender and the representations of users and professionals of mental health services about sexuality. The analysis of keywords separated into 6 areas (Psychology, Medicine, Psychiatry / Psychology / Health, Social, General), presents an association of paraphilia with perversion, illness and violence, perceiving this concept as a negative form of psychic structuring, linked to suffering and not as a possibility of pleasure.

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