
Abstract Introduction Fluid balance charts are frequently incomplete and inaccurate. At present our Trust does not offer fluid balance training to all ward staff. In addition, drinks given to patients by visitors are not usually documented on the fluid balance charts. The goals of this quality improvement project were therefore to: Methods Using the PDSA model a questionnaire was given to ward staff as a scoping exercise to identify the deficiencies in fluid balance education prior to the intervention and fluid balance charts were analyzed. The intervention involved: Results Pre-intervention questionnaires demonstrated that 31% of staff asked were not clear on the meaning of fluid balance and 88% felt that more fluid balance awareness was needed on the ward. In addition, 7/8 randomly selected fluid balance charts were incorrectly completed. Post intervention 87% understood the meaning of “fluid balance” monitoring and 7/8 fluid balance charts were correctly completed. Conclusion The intervention educated all ward staff and improved the accuracy of fluid balance monitoring. It also provided information and guidance to non-medical staff and visitors regarding fluid balance monitoring. Following the success of the project the intervention is being rolled out across the Trust alongside education sessions for staff.

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