
64 Fouettés Heather Christle (bio) Outside the door the cat makes a sound I do not recognize as hisIt sounds like an American conversation, like a white woman who is annoyedShe is powerwalking very early away from her husbandHe is locked into off-label sleepAll night his dreams have lied to him about the plot of Swan LakeHe will pay for this at Trivia Night if he makes it to the future(If the future still has trivia, if the future still has night) [End Page 226] Heather Christle Heather Christle is the author of four poetry collections, most recently Heliopause. Her first work of nonfiction, The Crying Book, was published in 2019. She is an assistant professor of English and Creative Writing at Emory University. Copyright © 2019 The University of the South

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