
According to the geopolitics, Asia-Pacific security development, and the interaction across the Taiwan straight, the Republic of China (ROC or Taiwan) always play a key role of the strategy in the international security. Due to the complicated and varied international situation, as well as the threat caused by the military modernization of the People’s Republic of China (PRC),it has become an issue of urgency for Taiwan to actively consolidate the national defense, and to upgrade the qualities, quantities, requirements,adequacy and sohpistication of military weaponry so as to ensure national security; achieve military balance; and uphold regional stability. This paper aims to analyze the military dilemmas commenced by the disputes on the 610.8 billion foreign military sale (FMS), the status of ROC-US relationships and cross-strait situation development, as well as the proposition for associated policies of conern. In order to complete the analyses of above issues, this paper will be subdivided from the following chapters: This paper is divided into six chapters and 25 paragraphs, with Chapter 1 being the introduction. Chapter 2 discusses the origin of 610.8 billion arms procurement, its process and results, as described by the arms procurement bill to ensure national security and military procurement will eventually return to the military professional needs.In Chapter 3, the author discusses the relation of domestic and foreign situation and their influences on the 610.8 billion arms procurement, by exploiting the strategy and attitude of the United States and People's Republic of China, and the situation of domestic anti-arms purchase sentiment. Chapter 4 introduces military strategy and 610.8 billion arms purchase case, to analyze Taiwan major military procurement with internal and external factors, and even create impacts on national economies and strategic interests to related countries, the scope is wide and deep. Chapter 5 discusses the crowding out effect of the arms purchase plan with 610.8 billion budget affecting other budget projects, analyzing the arms procurement bill will definitely squeeze people's livelihood, social welfare and other related budget items. Chapter 6 will be the conclusion part of this study, the primary objecitve should be to resolve the issue caused by the domestic anti-arms purchase sentiment,and the potential impass of diplomatic relations among the United States, China, Taiwan. The conclusion will be followed by the recommended adjustment of the arms acquisition policies and practices and actively develop Taiwan's defense industry, with a comprehensive assessment and future research directions being left on the final part of Chpater 6. Therefore, in addition to strengthening national defense strength and facilitating armament development, and to avoid hosility orginating from cross-strait tensions, the only way is to understand the enemy threat, to know both ourselves and the enemy to evaluate the pros and cons, to maintain the long term stability. In future, we look forward to more cross-straght interactions in economic, cultural, political fileds, and even the establishment of military confidence building mechanism, creating virtuous interaction between cross-strait, resulting in mutual trust and facilitaing the coordination and communication mechanisms, to create a win-win cross-strait situation.

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