
Abstract Introduction American Burn Association guidelines recommend that all pediatric burns be transferred to a burn center if their presenting hospital lacks the necessary personnel or equipment for their care. Our institution often treats small (< 10% TBSA) burns in pediatric patients as outpatients with a non-daily dressing. The aim of this study was to determine if small pediatric burns could be managed in an outpatient manner and risk factors for failure. Methods A retrospective chart review was conducted from July 2016 to July 2019 at a single ABA-verified burn center. All patients under the age of 18 who presented for evaluation were included. Post burn day, age, sex, TBSA, burn etiology, body area burned, burn dressing type, outpatient versus inpatient management, reason(s) for admission, and any operative intervention were collected. Results In total, 742 patients were included in our cohort (Table 1). The most common burn etiologies were scald (68%), contact (20%), and flame (5%). From initial presentation, 101 patients (14%), mean TBSA 9%, were admitted to the burn unit and 641 patients (86%), mean TBSA 3%, were treated outpatient. Of those, 613 (96%) were treated entirely outpatient and 28 (4%) were admitted at a later date. There were no significant differences in age (p=0.6) nor gender distribution between those who were successfully treated outpatient and those who failed. There was a significant difference (p < 0.001) in TBSA between the patients who were treated successfully as outpatients (3±2%) versus those who failed outpatient care (4±3%). The primary reason for admission of these patients was nutrition optimization (61%). Conclusions The vast majority of small pediatric burns can be treated as an outpatient with a non-daily dressing with good results. Over 80% of pediatric patients seen in our clinic were successfully managed in this manner. As suspected, when the burns are larger in size (>4% TBSA) there is a potential increased risk for admission especially with regards to poor PO intake, so this requires close monitoring and family education. Applicability of Research to Practice Pediatric patients with small burns can be safely managed in an outpatient setting with a non-daily dressing. Those who fail will most likely fail from poor PO intake at home.

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