
This chapter describes noise, antialiazing, and gesture. The chapter discusses hypertexture, and reviews its fundamental concepts. It discusses the essential functions needed to be able to easily tweak procedural models. The chapter also discusses how the noise function is constructed and how ray marching for hypertexture works. The chapter presents some examples of hypertexture, and reviews an interesting possible approach for antialiazing procedurally defined images. A surface representation based on sparse wavelets is discussed. The chapter also applies notions from procedural modeling to human figure motion. Solid texturing is simply the process of evaluating a function over R3 at each visible surface point of a rendered computer graphic (CG) model. The function over R3 then becomes a sort of solid material, out of which the CG model shape appears to be “carved.” There are two distinct ways in which solid textures can be combined with fuzzy shapes. One can either use the texture to distort the space before evaluating the shape, or can add the texture value to a fairly soft shape function, and then apply a “sharpening” function to the result.

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