
ObjectiveThe overarching aim of this workshop is to use the theory of credit and blame politics to explain significant and dynamic shifts in power relations through centralization/decentralization within and between governments during the pandemic. Centralization is not just territorial but can also apply within government and change the extend of autonomy and influence ministers, departments and agencies have. To this end we will have a total of five presentations: Introduction into the theory of politics of blame and credit as a driver for centralization/decentralization; three country case studies includingAustria,the Czech Republic andFrance and a concluding presentation onCredit-taking, blame-avoidance as drivers for power shifts: implications for effective emergency responses BackgroundCentralization between governments means an increase in the power of the central government vis-a-vis other ‘subnational' governments such as regions, states, provinces, or municipalities. ‘Command and control' is a common recommendation in public health emergencies (3) and central governments do often take powers over or away from subnational governments in crises. This is most politically contentious in federal states such Spain, Canada, or Germany, but can happen even in countries where there is a history of only local government (such as Ireland, Portugal, or the Nordic states).This workshop is built on a forthcoming publication. To ensure interactivity, the chair will feed back comments to the speakers between presentations and before the end of the session.Key messages In COVID-19 responses credit-taking and blame-avoidance leads to major powershifts within and between governments.Emergency response planning, knowledge broker, media and civil society need to help mitigate the negative effects of credit-taking and blame avoidance for a better pandemic response.

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