
Abstract Digital public health has influenced how countries use health data for research and practice, how we deliver healthcare, and how health professionals monitor infectious diseases. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the international adoption of digital health interventions for public health aims. While some European countries were already advanced in digital health and digital public health before the pandemic, other nations took the opportunity to catch up. Internationally, governments introduced contact-tracing apps, telemedical services, digitally supported health promotion programs, nationally regulated medical apps, and education programs for citizens and experts to improve digital (health) literacy. The planned European Health Data Space will lift the level of digital public health in Europe once more. However, the maturity of digital public health among European countries varies drastically. While some are global leaders in digitalizing their health systems, others barely implemented the necessary infrastructure. But there is also a third perspective: Some countries that led Europe through the pandemic from a digital public health perspective started withdrawing from digitalizing their healthcare and health promotion and returning to “normal”. It is time to examine what this new “normal” post-pandemic means and how countries evolved. We will learn from the experience of 4 different European countries (Romania, Ireland, Slovenia, and Germany) how COVID-19 changed their health system and if digital public health is still applied now that the pandemic is officially over. The workshop's ultimate goal is to highlight and discuss which digital transformations in European health systems were permanent and whether or not Europe will continue to take a leading role in digital public health in the future. Each representative will have 10 minutes to contextualize their country's digital public health strategy before the pandemic (the old normal), their strategy to address the crisis, and how the country includes digital public health in its health system after the pandemic (the new normal). We will use the remaining 20 minutes of the workshop for a discussion between the speakers and the audience. Key messages • The COVID-19 crisis pushed Europe's digital public health transformation so that countries were enabled to use digital health data for improved healthcare and health promotion on a national level. • In order for the transformation to be sustainable, countries need to fundamentally rethink their health systems and make way for better digital innovation.

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