
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) are required high level of noise / vibration performance. In the case of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEVs), solid-borne noise has been considered mainly up to 1 kHz. For BEVs, the frequency range of solid-borne noise is higher because of the electric powertrain and other mechatronic on board. The motor mounting has internal resonances in the high frequency range that can cause noise issue in prototype vehicles, leading to vehicle development rework. In this paper, we introduce the need to deal with 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) characteristics in NV development for BEVs and propose a new measurement method that makes it possible to measure 6-DOF characteristics. Using this approach, this makes it possible to design the high frequency noise at the planning phase before vehicle prototyping, which is expected to improve development efficiency.

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