
This chapter specifically focuses on white-collar crime and the role it plays in the field of art crime. It discusses the concept of white-collar crime and its history. The chapter describes the different subdivisions within this field of crime and discusses explanations for white-collar crime. The subdivisions mentioned above will be applied to known cases, and further clarifications will be used in an attempt to analyze a number of well-known art crimes. Whereas corporate crime is aimed at the interests of corporation, occupational crime is aimed at the interests of an individual and consists of crimes committed in the context of legitimate occupation. When legitimate businesses and organized crime engage in cooperative enterprises, it is called enterprise crime. Criminology is understood the body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon. The chapter concludes that after many decades of being ignored by researchers, white-collar crime is receiving much-deserved attention. Keywords: art crime; corporate crime; criminology; enterprise crime; legitimate occupation; occupational crime; white-collar crime

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